We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; (2 Corinthians 4:13)
I was thinking the other day about how heavy the atmosphere is right now. The weight of pandemic, racial inequality, along with the interruption of our normal flow of life is stifling. If that were not enough, we are challenged on every hand to produce, create, and make life happen for ourselves and those we care for. The thought of that is simply exhausting.
It would be very easy to lose a piece of our authentic selves in times like these. I can still hear the words in my head telling me you’re not going to make it, you’re way behind, or you should have been further along by now, etc. I’m sure you have your version of negative words screaming in your ears.
Now that I've gotten that out, can I tell you what helps? I realize my voice is the loudest voice in my ear. So for my own survival, I decided to flip the script. I refuse to digest the words which are contradictory to my success. I will not believe words that are antagonistic to my authentic self. I've made a choice to speak only what I believe. Therefore, I speak encouraging, empowering, victory-laced words to myself - about myself. Speaking life-giving words, filled with purpose and power takes me from victim to victorious.
We cannot afford to be put on lockdown by allowing the forces behind negative narratives to take us captive. Words provoke thoughts, thoughts empower actions and actions yield either positive or negative results. It is our duty to be careful not to allow the wrong words to form mindsets in us that will clog up our mental processing system. The wrong words can release a virus on the hard drive of our heart and soul and wage war against our destiny. The right words spoken from our own mouths can quarantine those viruses and reinforce our internal infrastructure.
The truth of the matter is, we've got to fall out of agreement with anything spoken by anyone which does not support who we know we are. Here are a few of the words I speak to myself about myself when viruses of destruction try to infect my life. I encouraged you to create a list of affirmations you can use to strengthen and empower you:
I Am Equipped
I Am Capable
I Am Powerful
I Am Creative
I Am Necessary
I Am A Solution
I Am An Answer
I Am An Influencer
I Am A Revolutionary
I Facilitate Shifts
I have A Long-lasting Effect
I Embrace my Authentic Self
I Celebrate My Uniqueness
I Live a Purpose-Full Life
I Have Everything I Need to be Me
I Make A Difference
I saved this very powerful statement for last...My Past Trauma has No Authority or Privileges in my Future!
Might I encourage you to hold onto what you know is your truth and God's truth concerning you? You have the power to serve an eviction notice on every squatter that desires to illegally occupy real estate in your mind. The choice is yours, it's always yours!